Aim Lab will become Valorant’s official training platform

It looks like Riot Games decided to lean into Statespace more to reinvent than improve their Valorant training grounds. Under the terms of the agreement, Riot Games given State territory opportunity to cross Objective Lab to become by Valorant official training and coaching platform. This will allow Objective Lab leveraging Riot’s intellectual property to integrate physics, maps, and weapons into the game to improve the training experience for everyone.

With this deal, Riot Games will acquire a small stake in Statespace and continue to work with Aim Lab to develop innovative training and other tools for Valorant players. This does not exclude League of Legends also, which means MOBA players can also be given training grounds.

The announcement of this partnership comes from a press release published on Wednesday.

Under the terms of the agreement, Aim Lab will become VALORANT’s official training and coaching platform. Aim Lab will leverage Riot’s intellectual property to integrate in-game physics, maps, and weapons that will allow VALORANT players to train as closely as possible to the game. Riot, after exercising a warrant issued as part of the agreement, will acquire a minority stake in Statespace and will continue to work with Aim Lab to develop innovative training, coaching and scouting tools for VALORANT players and eventually MOBA players.

“We look forward to collaborating with Statespace to develop innovative training and coaching tools for VALORANT and MOBA players around the world to improve their skills at all levels,” said Jake Perlman-Garr, Global Head of Development. company at Riot Games.

“Riot has been the best partner, collaborator and facilitator we could have asked for. We are excited to continue to improve the player experience through training, coaching and scouting in VALORANT and soon in League of Legends,” said Statespace CEO Dr. Wayne Mackey.

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